It is shown that the variation of gusty cueffieient with height can be fitted by negative exponential law. 并且指出,该阵风系数随高度呈负指数规律变化。
In the paper, the criterion of the white exponential law of a discrete function is given after discussing the necessary and sufficient conditions of a continuous function being an exponential function. 研究了函数为指数函数的充要条件,并给出了白指数律的判别准则。
Optimize an Optimal GM ( 1,1) Based on the Discrete Function with Exponential Law Once Again 基于离散指数函数优化GM(1,1)模型的再优化
The regularity of rigidity degeneration of either loading or unloading condition accords with exponential law. 组合梁的加、卸载刚度退化规律呈指数函数变化。
By analysing the differential equation of GM ( 1,1), this paper gives an unbiased GM ( 1,1) model and proposes a new method of estimation of the GM ( 1,1) model parameters. It possesses white exponential law coincidence property. 通过分析GM(1,1)白化方程的解析表达式,建立了无偏的GM(1,1)模型,给出了估计模型参数的新方法。
Through analyzing the building mechanism of GM ( 1,1), this paper discovers the reason for GM ( 1,1) without exponential law coincidence property. On the basis of discovery, it proposes a new method to build GM ( 1,1). 通过分析GM(1,1)建模机理,找出了GM(1,1)模型不具有白指数律重合性的原因,并在此基础上,提出了建立GM(1,1)模型的新方法。
The equation shows that the magnetic induction intensity is a sinusoidal oscillation signal and its amplitude is a damped exponential law. 公式表明,电磁成形时磁感应强度正弦震荡,幅值呈指数规律衰减。
A direct grey model of unequal gap which possesses white exponential law coincidence property is built. In the meanwhile, niche genetic algorithm to optimize model parameters is given. 建立了具有白指数律重合性的非等间隔灰色直接模型,给出了模型参数优化的小生境遗传算法。
Exponential law of velocity distribution for sediment laden flow 挟沙水流指数流速分布规律
Based on a Core-Shell model and the existence of spin-glass phase at the grain boundaries, we explained the observed resistance aging result and why our sample follows the stretched exponential law. 利用Core-Shell模型以及自旋玻璃相的存在对观察到的时效行为及拟合结果进行了解释。
The ventilated cavitation number decreased with the ventilation flow rate by exponential law at constant velocity. 在流速恒定情况下,随通气率的增大,通气空化数逐渐减小,呈指数规律衰减。
It is found that the change of threshold voltage value fits in exponential law with absorbed dose, which is caused by the effect of space charge and interface charge. 产生这种现象的原因是场效应管氧化物中的空间俘获电荷与吸收剂量近似成线性变化,对阈值电压变化和吸收剂量有近似线性的改变;
Resource query consider exponential law phenomenon ( i.e. locality principle) in reality, so we adopt the improvement algorithm of flooding, the method of Multi-Cache ( MC), which improved the search efficiency of resources. 资源查询中考虑到现实中存在幂律现象即局部性原理,采用了flooding的改进算法&多级缓存(Multi-Cache)方法,提高了资源的搜索效率。
Accoroding to the field data of sediment laden flow and hyperconcentrated flow, the exponential law of velocity distribution are studied in this paper. 本文通过分析一般挟沙水流和高含沙水流的实测资料,研究了浑水中指数流速沿垂线分布的规律。
The radial decay of the amplitude of pressure fluctuation has been measured both in pseudo-sound field and acoustic field with the result that the exponential law is applicable in pseudo-sound field, and the r-2 law in acoustic field. 实验测量了赝声场和声场中压力脉动幅值的径向衰变规律:它在赝声场中符合指数衰变规律,而在声场中为r~(-2)规律。
In image vector quantization ( VQ), the computing complexity of the classical full search algorithm increases by exponential law with vector dimension and bit rate of quantization. 在图像矢量量化中,完全搜索算法的计算复杂度随矢量的维数与量化比特率呈指数规律递增。
According to exponential law, the porosity decreases with increase in strata depth. 孔隙度随地层埋藏深度的增加按指数规律减小,但是,在异常地层压力井段,孔隙度变化偏离这一规律;
We derived analytical solutions for converting dimensional density ( d) to non-dimensional densities ( D) assuming that fracture length distribution follows an exponential law. 在给定裂缝长度分布函数的前提下,推导出了有量纲裂缝密度(d)与无量纲裂缝密度(D,裂缝度)的解析关系。
It is shown that the grey exponential law can be obtained by means of accumulative generation for non-negative smooth discrete function. 本文论证了非负光滑离散函数累加生成后具有近似的指数规律,即灰指数律。
It is found that the cumulative size distribution of microcracks fits an exponential law during the development of damages. The results of experiments are analyzed by means of NAG model. All parameters in the governing equation are obtained for the material. 发现裂纹的累积数密度分布在损伤演化过程中保持指数形式,用NAG模型对实验结果进行分析,得出该材料裂纹演化发展方程的各种参数。
The variations of horizontal and vertical self-correlations of gust with time and the vertical thick increase can all be fitted by negative exponential law and increase with height. 阵风的水平自相关和垂直自相关分别随时间和垂直厚度加大呈负指数规律形式,而且两种相关都随高度增大而增大。
Based on the test result and theoretical analysis, it is pointed out that the accumulative frequency of particle size distribution has feature of exponential law. The formula for calculating the friable possibility of rock blocks by using exponential coefficient is also presented. 同时,根据试验结果和理论分析得到,碎裂粒子的累积频率分布也符合指数分布,并给出了用指数分布系数求解碎块的碎裂概率的理论计算公式。
The results show that the relationship between die-swell ratio ( B) and the entry pressure drop obeys the exponential law; 结果显示,挤出胀大比(B)与入口压力降(ΔΡen)之间关系服从指数律;
Entropy Criterion of Grey Exponential Law 灰指数规律的熵判据
The p-convergence speeds are very fast and follow exponential law under different values of Plank number and are superior to the h-convergence speed. 在不同普朗克数下p收敛速率很快且服从指数规律并显著优于h收敛速率。
In the course of sewage irrigation, soil porosity increases first with exponential law, then comes to stable state. 灌污水后,两种土壤孔隙度先呈指数形式增加,而后保持稳定。
With the increase of shape factor, the ratio of defect reflection wave to incident wave increases by exponential law. 随着形状因子的增大,缺陷反射波幅值与入射波幅值之比呈指数增加。
But the fire interval distribution of the DS model is an exponential law, different from the power law with periodical fluctuations of actual data. 然而,由DS模型得到的森林火灾频率&时间间隔为指数分布,与实际的周期振荡的幂律分布不符。
The stability and p-convergence characteristics of the method are studied and its p-convergence speed is very fast and follows exponential law. 研究了该方法的数值稳定性及p收敛特性,其p收敛速率很快且满足指数规律。